New Moon in Cancer & Radical Self-Love

The summer solstice, or Litha, is the peak of the sun's power. It’s a time of celebration, abundance, and light. As the sun begins its descent, the days gradually shorten, and we enter a period of introspection and transformation. The first new moon after the solstice heralds this change, inviting us to turn inward and focus on personal and spiritual development. As the first new moon following the summer solstice rises on Friday, 5 July 2024, at 6:57 pm ET, the celestial energies shift, marking a significant transition. 

Moon in Cancer is a powerful and emotionally charged placement in astrology. Cancer, a cardinal water sign, is ruled by the moon, making this alignment particularly potent and significant. When the moon is in Cancer, its influence is magnified, highlighting themes of home, family, emotions, and intuition. It is a time of deep emotional exploration and nurturing. By embracing its energy, we can create a supportive environment for ourselves and others, strengthen our intuition, and foster emotional healing and growth. It's a powerful time to reflect, set intentions, and embrace personal growth.

For me, this time of reflection has brought awareness to and shined light upon an aspect of my shadow self that needs attending. So yesterday, I made a bottom-line commitment to date only myself for a year. This decision marks a pivotal moment in freeing myself from old behaviors and patterns around relationships to create space for deeper love and understanding of self and others. 

It’s taken me my lifetime to be ready for this journey into radical self-love and self-compassion. In recent months, I’ve had the privilege of watching a few people in my inner circle of trust make this same commitment. What I’ve witnessed is a profound flourishing in their personal growth and a radiance that is unmatched; empowerment becomes its own light casting a golden glow around those who have done the work that I now seek. Their light has lit the path before me and for that I will be forever grateful. 

I am also grateful to the man who most recently, deeply and profoundly broke my heart and brought unparalleled pain to my world. From these ashes I shall rise like the phoenix whose feathers are so bright they light up the darkest nights. This heartbreak has been a catalyst for my transformation, pushing me to confront my deepest fears and insecurities. It has stripped away the illusions, forcing me to face my true self and my patterns in relationships. Through this pain, I have found strength I never knew I had, and I am more committed than ever to my personal growth and spiritual journey.

I honor the lessons this experience has brought me. It has taught me the importance of self-love, setting healthy boundaries, and recognizing my worth. I am learning to cherish my own company and to seek fulfillment from within rather than relying on external validation. This commitment to date only myself for the next year is a testament to my dedication to break old patterns and to cultivate a deeper relationship with myself.

As I rise from the ashes, I carry with me the wisdom and resilience gained from this experience. I am determined to create a future rooted in self-awareness, self-compassion, and authentic connections. The journey ahead is one of healing and empowerment, and I embrace it with an open heart and a courageous spirit.

To the man who broke my heart, I offer gratitude. For in breaking me, you have given me the opportunity to rebuild stronger, wiser, and more radiant than before. Like the phoenix, I rise anew, ready to embrace the next chapter of my life with grace and determination.

Three New Moon Rituals for Self-Love, Self-Compassion, and Knowledge

To harness the energies of this powerful new moon, I've crafted three rituals focused on manifesting self-love, self-compassion, and knowledge and will conduct these practices throughout the course of this weekend. I invite anyone who wishes  to also try these practices. These can be done solo or in concert with like hearted souls.  

Self-Love Ritual


  • Rose quartz crystal

  • Pink candle

  • Rose petals

  • A small mirror

  • Lavender essential oil


  1. Prepare Your Space: Create a sacred space where you won't be disturbed. Light the pink candle and place the rose quartz and mirror in front of you. Sprinkle rose petals around your space.

  2. Anoint Yourself: Dab a drop of lavender essential oil on your wrists and behind your ears to invoke a sense of calm and love.

  3. Mirror Work: Hold the mirror and gaze into your eyes. Repeat affirmations of self-love, such as "I am worthy of love," "I love and accept myself," and "I am enough."

  4. Meditation: Close your eyes, hold the rose quartz, and visualize pink light enveloping your entire being, filling you with love and warmth.

  5. Closing: Thank the elements and energies for their presence. Blow out the candle and carry the rose quartz with you to reinforce self-love throughout the month.

Self-Compassion Ritual


  • Amethyst crystal

  • Blue candle

  • Chamomile tea

  • Journal and pen


  1. Create a Calm Atmosphere: Light the blue candle and hold the amethyst crystal in your hand. Brew a cup of chamomile tea to soothe your mind.

  2. Journaling: Reflect on moments where you were hard on yourself. Write them down and then rewrite them with a compassionate perspective. For example, "I failed" becomes "I tried my best and learned from the experience."

  3. Tea Meditation: Sip your chamomile tea slowly, focusing on each sensation. Allow the warmth and calm to spread through your body.

  4. Amethyst Connection: Hold the amethyst to your heart and visualize a gentle, calming light filling you with compassion. Repeat, "I am gentle with myself. I forgive myself. I am worthy of compassion."

  5. Closing: Thank the energies for their guidance. Extinguish the candle and keep the amethyst near your bed to promote restful sleep and compassion.

Knowledge and Truth Ritual


  • Clear quartz crystal

  • Yellow candle

  • Sage or incense

  • Tarot or oracle cards


  1. Sacred Space: Light the sage or incense to cleanse your space. Light the yellow candle, symbolizing clarity and wisdom.

  2. Card Reading: Shuffle your tarot or oracle cards, focusing on your intention to gain knowledge and truth. Draw three cards and interpret their messages in the context of your current journey.

  3. Quartz Meditation: Hold the clear quartz and meditate on the insights from your cards. Visualize a bright, clear light illuminating your mind, revealing hidden truths and wisdom.

  4. Reflection: Write down the messages and insights you received. Consider how they apply to your path of self-awareness and personal growth.

  5. Closing: Thank the energies and extinguish the candle. Keep the clear quartz on your altar or workspace to maintain clarity and focus.

This journey is not just about leaving old behaviors behind but embracing a future filled with greater self-awareness, love, and commitment to ourselves. By honoring these rituals, we can deepen our self-love, cultivate compassion, and uncover the truths that guide our personal and spiritual growth. 

Much Love and Light,



Embrace the Warrior Within - July’s Blessing Moon


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