Mindfulness Practices for the Summer Solstice and Strawberry Moon

As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, we celebrate Litha, the Summer Solstice—a time of radiant light, warmth, and abundant energy. This year, the solstice on June 20th is particularly magical, as it is closely followed by a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. The sun enters the nurturing sign of Cancer at 4:51 pm ET on Thursday, and the full moon graces the sky at 9:08 pm ET on Friday, creating a perfect opportunity to blend the energies of both celestial events. This is a powerful time for personal reflection, setting intentions, and embracing the fullness of life. Here are some mindfulness practices to help you honor this enchanting period.

Breath Work: Harnessing the Energy of the Sun and Moon

Breath work is a simple yet profound way to align your energy with the natural rhythms of the universe. During Litha and the full moon, practice breath work that emphasizes balance and harmony.

Solar Breathing

Solar breathing involves visualizing the energy of the sun filling your body with each inhale and releasing any negativity with each exhale.

  1. Find a Comfortable Space: Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

  2. Inhale Deeply: Close your eyes and take a deep breath, imagining the warm, golden light of the sun filling your lungs and spreading throughout your body.

  3. Exhale Slowly: Release your breath slowly, visualizing any stress or negativity leaving your body in a dark cloud.

  4. Repeat: Continue this cycle for 5-10 minutes, focusing on the sensation of warmth and light.

Lunar Breathing

Lunar breathing helps you connect with the calming, reflective energy of the moon.

  1. Inhale Deeply: Close your eyes and breathe in slowly, picturing the cool, silvery light of the moon entering your body.

  2. Exhale Slowly: As you exhale, imagine releasing any tension or emotional blockages.

  3. Repeat: Practice this for 5-10 minutes, allowing the serene energy of the moon to envelop you.

Yoga: Embracing the Solstice and Full Moon Energies

Yoga is a powerful way to ground yourself and align with the natural world. During this period, focus on poses that open your heart and connect you to the earth and sky.

Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

Sun Salutations are perfect for celebrating the solstice as they honor the sun's energy.

  1. Start in Mountain Pose: Stand tall with your feet together and hands at your heart.

  2. Raise Your Arms: Inhale and lift your arms overhead, reaching for the sky.

  3. Forward Fold: Exhale and bend forward from the hips, bringing your hands to the ground.

  4. Halfway Lift: Inhale and lift your torso halfway, keeping your back flat.

  5. Plank Pose: Exhale and step back into a plank position.

  6. Lower Down: Inhale and lower your body to the ground.

  7. Cobra Pose: Exhale and lift your chest into Cobra Pose.

  8. Downward Dog: Inhale and push your hips up into Downward Dog.

  9. Forward Fold: Exhale and step forward, returning to the halfway lift.

  10. Mountain Pose: Inhale and rise back up to standing.

Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar)

Moon Salutations are ideal for honoring the full moon's energy.

  1. Start in Mountain Pose: Stand with your feet together and hands at your heart.

  2. Extended Mountain Pose: Inhale and stretch your arms overhead.

  3. Side Stretch: Exhale and lean to the right, then inhale back to center. Repeat on the left.

  4. Goddess Pose: Exhale and step your feet wide, bending your knees and bringing your arms into a cactus shape.

  5. Star Pose: Inhale and straighten your legs, stretching your arms out to the sides.

  6. Triangle Pose: Exhale and hinge at the hips to the right, reaching down to your shin or the floor. Inhale back to center and repeat on the left.

  7. Wide-Legged Forward Fold: Exhale and fold forward from the hips, reaching for the ground.

  8. Goddess Pose: Inhale and rise back up, returning to Goddess Pose.

  9. Mountain Pose: Exhale and step your feet together, hands at your heart.

Meditation: Aligning with the Cosmic Energies

Meditation allows you to quiet your mind and connect with the deeper energies of the solstice and full moon.

Solstice Meditation

  1. Find a Quiet Place: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

  2. Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, letting go of any tension.

  3. Visualize the Sun: Imagine a bright, golden sun above your head, radiating warmth and light.

  4. Feel the Energy: Visualize this sunlight entering your body, filling you with vitality and positivity.

  5. Set an Intention: Reflect on what you want to manifest during this powerful time. Hold this intention in your mind as you continue to breathe deeply.

  6. End with Gratitude: Finish your meditation by expressing gratitude for the sun's energy and the abundance it brings.

Full Moon Meditation

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet spot and light a candle or some incense.

  2. Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes and breathe deeply, releasing any stress.

  3. Visualize the Moon: Picture a full, radiant moon above you, bathing you in its soft, silvery light.

  4. Embrace the Energy: Feel the moonlight washing over you, cleansing and purifying your energy.

  5. Reflect and Release: Think about what you need to release or let go of. Visualize these things dissolving in the moonlight.

  6. End with Peace: Conclude your meditation with a sense of peace and calm, thanking the moon for its guidance.

Journaling: Reflecting on Your Journey

Journaling is a wonderful way to capture your thoughts, feelings, and experiences during this transformative time.

Solstice Journaling Prompts

  • What does the energy of the sun represent to you?

  • What areas of your life need more light and positivity?

  • What intentions do you want to set for the coming months?

Full Moon Journaling Prompts

  • What emotions or situations do you need to release?

  • How can you embrace the energy of the full moon to bring balance into your life?

  • What lessons have you learned over the past lunar cycle?

Drumming Circles: Connecting with the Rhythms of Nature

Drumming circles are an ancient practice that connects us with the earth's natural rhythms. Gather with friends or find a local drumming circle to celebrate the solstice and full moon.

  1. Set an Intention: Begin the circle by setting a group intention, focusing on the energy you want to create and share.

  2. Feel the Rhythm: As you drum, feel the beat resonating through your body, connecting you to the earth and the cosmos.

  3. Share and Reflect: Take turns sharing your thoughts and feelings, using the drumming as a backdrop for your reflections.

Additional Mindfulness Practices

Nature Walks

Spend time in nature, observing the beauty and abundance around you. This can be a solo walk or a group activity, but focus on being present and mindful of your surroundings.

Crystal Healing

Use crystals such as citrine, sunstone, moonstone, and clear quartz to enhance your energy work. Meditate with them, place them on your altar, or carry them with you throughout the day.


Incorporate essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and frankincense into your practice. These can be diffused, added to a bath, or used in a massage to promote relaxation and spiritual connection.

Art and Creativity

Engage in creative activities like painting, drawing, or crafting. Allow your intuition to guide you, expressing the energies of the solstice and full moon through your artwork.

Litha and the full moon in Sagittarius offer a unique opportunity to align with the powerful energies of the sun and moon. By incorporating mindfulness practices such as breath work, yoga, meditation, journaling, and drumming, you can honor this sacred time and harness its transformative power. Embrace the light, release what no longer serves you, and set intentions for a vibrant and abundant future.

I acknowledge the assistance of ChatGPT to provide valuable insights and help enhance the overall quality of this blog.


New Moon in Cancer & Radical Self-Love


Celebrating Litha: Honoring the Summer Solstice