Embrace the Warrior Within - July’s Blessing Moon

As July's full moon rises on Sunday, 21 July at 6:17 a.m. ET, we are graced with the powerful energy of the Blessing Moon. This full moon, initially in Capricorn, signifies a time of culmination, maturity, and responsibility. The influence of Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign, imbues this full moon with qualities of discipline, ambition, and structure. Shortly after reaching its peak, the moon will enter a void-of-course period at 7:26 a.m., transitioning into Aquarius at 7:43 a.m. This shift from Capricorn to Aquarius introduces a blend of grounded determination and innovative thinking, making it a perfect time to harness the strength of our internal divine warrior.

Astrological Significance

Capricorn Full Moon: The Capricorn full moon emphasizes themes of achievement, authority, and perseverance. It calls us to reflect on our long-term goals and the steps we've taken towards them. This is a time to evaluate our progress, make necessary adjustments, and acknowledge our hard work. The energy of Capricorn supports us in taking responsibility for our actions and decisions, providing a solid foundation to build upon.

Void-of-Course Period: The void-of-course period, though brief, serves as a pause, a moment of introspection. It’s a time to avoid starting new projects and instead focus on completing existing ones or reflecting on recent accomplishments.

Aquarius Transition: As the moon moves into Aquarius, the energy shifts towards innovation, freedom, and collective consciousness. Aquarius encourages us to think outside the box, embrace change, and connect with our communities. This transition can help us integrate the disciplined energy of Capricorn with the visionary spirit of Aquarius, fostering a balanced approach to personal and collective growth.

Rituals to Embody the Divine Warrior

To fully embrace the energy of the Blessing Moon, consider incorporating one of these three practices. Each ritual is designed to strengthen your connection with your internal divine warrior, utilizing herbs, crystals, and mindfulness tools. These can be done inside and if possible, find and create a sacred outdoor space, ideally in nature, to cast your circle.

Cast a circle, lighting candles or placing stones in a circle. Holding your athame, raise it to the sky and then point it to the ground, drawing an invisible circle around the sacred space. The following opening sets a powerful tone for the ceremony, invoking the presence and blessings of the gods, spirits, and elements to strengthen and awaken the divine warrior within each participant.

"By the light of the moon and the strength of the earth, I cast this circle round. This is a place between the worlds, a space of sacred power, where we call upon the ancient ones to join us.”

Call in the Quarters:

Face each direction, starting with the East, and light a candle or place a symbol for each element as you call them.

"Spirits of the East, powers of Air, we call upon you. Bring us clarity, insight, and the breath of life. Join us in this sacred circle. Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, we call upon you. Ignite our passions, courage, and the spark of transformation. Join us in this sacred circle. Spirits of the West, powers of Water, we call upon you. Wash over us with intuition, healing, and the flow of emotion. Join us in this sacred circle. Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, we call upon you. Ground us in strength, stability, and the wisdom of the ancients. Join us in this sacred circle."

Stand at the center of the circle, raising your arms to the sky.

"Great Gods and Goddesses, spirits of the ancestors and guardians of the realms, we call upon you now. Hear our voices and feel our hearts. We seek to awaken the divine warrior within, to embody courage, strength, and honor in all that we do.”

Call in Specific Deities:

If it is your practice to call upon specific deities, call in those associated with warrior strength and protection.

"Artemis, Huntress of the Moon, lend us your keen sight and unyielding determination."

"Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War, grant us your strategic mind and fearless spirit."

"Thor, God of Thunder, imbue us with your mighty strength and protective power."

"Morrigan, Phantom Queen, guide us with your fierce wisdom and transformative energy."

Offering and Declaration:

Place offerings in the center of your circle such as herbs, incense, or flowers and stand firmly with feet planted, arms raised high.

"To you, mighty ones, we offer these gifts in gratitude and respect. May your presence fill this circle and your power awaken the divine warrior within us all. With the blessings of the gods and spirits, we declare this circle open. Let the work of the divine warrior commence. So mote it be."

Spend a few moments in silence, feeling the presence of the called beings and the energy within the circle. When ready, proceed with your chosen ceremony or ritual work.

Grounding Meditation with Smoky Quartz and Cedar

The purpose of this practice is to root yourself in the present moment, drawing strength from the earth. Use smoky quartz, a grounding stone that helps release negative energy and promotes emotional calmness and cedar, known for its purifying properties and can be used to cleanse your space and mind.

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Light a cedar incense or smudge stick to cleanse your surroundings. Hold a piece of smoky quartz in your hand and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, feeling your connection to the earth. Visualize roots growing from your body into the ground, anchoring you firmly. As you breathe, imagine drawing up strength and stability from the earth through these roots. Spend at least 15 minutes in this meditation, allowing yourself to fully absorb the grounding energy.

Goal-Setting Ritual with Citrine and Rosemary

This practice is designed to harness Capricorn’s disciplined energy and set clear, achievable goals. Use citrine, a crystal of manifestation that promotes clarity and focus, and rosemary, known for its ability to enhance memory and concentration.

Begin by creating a sacred space with a small altar or a quiet corner. Place citrine and rosemary on your altar. Light a rosemary-scented candle to stimulate your mind. Sit comfortably and hold the citrine in your hand. Reflect on your long-term goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them. Write down your goals on a piece of paper, being as specific as possible. Fold the paper and place it under the citrine on your altar. Spend a few moments visualizing yourself achieving these goals, feeling the determination and discipline of Capricorn. Keep the citrine and rosemary on your altar as a reminder of your intentions.

Visionary Creation with Amethyst and Lavender

Complete this practice to embrace the innovative and forward-thinking energy of Aquarius. To facilitate this, use amethyst to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, and lavender, known for its calming and clarifying properties. 

Find a peaceful space where you can focus without interruptions. Light a lavender candle or use lavender essential oil in a diffuser. Hold an amethyst crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Take deep breaths, inhaling the soothing scent of lavender. Allow your mind to wander and envision new possibilities for your future. Consider how you can contribute to your community or innovate in your personal or professional life. Write down any insights or ideas that come to you during this time. Use these insights to inspire creative projects or new approaches to existing goals.

Divine Warrior

Remember that in the practice of nature-based worship, there is no singular path or incorrect method to connect with the divine. Each individual's journey is unique, reflecting personal beliefs, experiences, and relationships with the natural world. Whether through rituals, meditation, offerings, or simply spending time in nature, all forms of reverence are valid and meaningful. The essence of nature-based worship lies in the sincerity of one's intent and the deep, personal connection forged with the Earth and its many spirits.

The Blessing Moon in Capricorn, with its transition into Aquarius, offers a unique blend of energies that can help us tap into our inner divine warrior. By grounding ourselves, setting clear goals, and embracing visionary thinking, we can harness the full potential of this astrological event. Use the rituals and tools provided to strengthen your connection with your inner warrior and navigate this powerful time with grace and determination.

I acknowledge the assistance of ChatGPT to help create some of the content for this blog.


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