Welcome to the Simple Life


90 Days to Clear the Clutter

A 90-day program designed to declutter and detoxify your mind, body, soul, and space and bring about peace through living simply.

Do you feel so weighed down by clutter and chaos that you feel overwhelmed and trapped? Do you say ‘yes’ to everyone but yourself? Are you overextended, with life’s demands coming at you from every direction and you feel like escaping or running the other way? 

Would you rather feel light, full of energy, and in control of your space and life? Would you love to be the best version of yourself every day and be fully present for the most important people in your life? Would you love to have clear boundaries and be able to say ‘yes’ to what you want and ‘no’ to energy vampires without having to think about it? 

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $150 discount if signed up within 24 hours of virtual audit; $250 discount if signed up within 24 hours of VIP day

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450.

Invest in Full

90 Days to Clear the Clutter

A 90-day program designed to declutter and detoxify your mind, body, soul, and space and bring about peace through living simply.

Do you feel so weighed down by clutter and chaos that you feel overwhelmed and trapped? Do you say ‘yes’ to everyone but yourself? Are you overextended, with life’s demands coming at you from every direction and you feel like escaping or running the other way? 

Would you rather feel light, full of energy, and in control of your space and life? Would you love to be the best version of yourself every day and be fully present for the most important people in your life? Would you love to have clear boundaries and be able to say ‘yes’ to what you want and ‘no’ to energy vampires without having to think about it? 

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $150 discount if signed up within 24 hours of virtual audit; $250 discount if signed up within 24 hours of VIP day

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450.

90 Days to Clear the Clutter

A 90-day program designed to declutter and detoxify your mind, body, soul, and space and bring about peace through living simply.

Do you feel so weighed down by clutter and chaos that you feel overwhelmed and trapped? Do you say ‘yes’ to everyone but yourself? Are you overextended, with life’s demands coming at you from every direction and you feel like escaping or running the other way? 

Would you rather feel light, full of energy, and in control of your space and life? Would you love to be the best version of yourself every day and be fully present for the most important people in your life? Would you love to have clear boundaries and be able to say ‘yes’ to what you want and ‘no’ to energy vampires without having to think about it? 

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $150 discount if signed up within 24 hours of virtual audit; $250 discount if signed up within 24 hours of VIP day

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450.


  • Create a compelling vision of the simple, chaos- and clutter-free life you desire;

  • Understand yourself and your values and where they are (and are not) showing up in your life;

  • Understand what is currently getting in the way of creating a simple, healthy, joyful life in which you no longer feel weighed down by others’ expectations;

  • Establish strong, conscious boundaries so that you can always show up as your best self; develop new strategies and habits to keep your spaces clutter free; and shift your mindset around consumerism. 

  • Move through each day feeling empowered, balanced, and ready to take on whatever the day throws at you!


  1. One, 90-minute “Identifying Energy Vampires” Session. In this foundational session, you’ll get clear on all the sources of clutter and chaos that are draining your energy and start creating a clear picture of what your simple, energetic life may look like. 

  2. One, 90-minute “Clear Your Clutter” Session. In this powerful and practical 90-minute block of time, you will make huge strides toward clearing electronic clutter and physical clutter in an area of your choice. 

  3. Ten, 50-minute Personalized Support Sessions. During each of these weekly sessions, we will celebrate your success, work together to break through any obstacles you may be experiencing, and you’ll leave with clarity on your next steps. 

  4. Three, 25-minute “Help me work through the Chaos that I’m Feeling!” Calls when you might need a bit of help between regular sessions [if needed].

  5. Email and/or text access to me for quick celebrations or questions about life’s unexpected demands that may arise between our coaching sessions.