Soul Integration


90 Days for the Soul

A 90-day program designed to Integrate your mind, body, and soul so you can reach your full potential and experience maximum joy in everyday living. 

You’re living a simple, clutter-free, mindful life. You’ve defeated the energy vampires and sent the monkeys packing. You’re fit and strong and feel sexier than you have in a long, long time. Now it’s time to integrate (mind, body and soul) with everything you’ve experienced up to now, in order to live the holistic life you never believed possible. Now, it’s time to weave your “new you” behaviors into every aspect of your life. You’re ready to experience positive energy emanating from all of who you are, influencing every aspect of your life: your relationships with people and money, your career, and your spiritual practice. You are a different person than when you started this journey and so too will everything else change for the better.  

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $750 discount if this is your fourth 90-day program and you sign up before or during session 12 of your third 90-day program. ($750 total) 

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450 

Invest in Full

90 Days for the Soul

A 90-day program designed to Integrate your mind, body, and soul so you can reach your full potential and experience maximum joy in everyday living. 

You’re living a simple, clutter-free, mindful life. You’ve defeated the energy vampires and sent the monkeys packing. You’re fit and strong and feel sexier than you have in a long, long time. Now it’s time to integrate (mind, body and soul) with everything you’ve experienced up to now, in order to live the holistic life you never believed possible. Now, it’s time to weave your “new you” behaviors into every aspect of your life. You’re ready to experience positive energy emanating from all of who you are, influencing every aspect of your life: your relationships with people and money, your career, and your spiritual practice. You are a different person than when you started this journey and so too will everything else change for the better.  

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $750 discount if this is your fourth 90-day program and you sign up before or during session 12 of your third 90-day program. ($750 total) 

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450 

90 Days for the Soul

A 90-day program designed to Integrate your mind, body, and soul so you can reach your full potential and experience maximum joy in everyday living. 

You’re living a simple, clutter-free, mindful life. You’ve defeated the energy vampires and sent the monkeys packing. You’re fit and strong and feel sexier than you have in a long, long time. Now it’s time to integrate (mind, body and soul) with everything you’ve experienced up to now, in order to live the holistic life you never believed possible. Now, it’s time to weave your “new you” behaviors into every aspect of your life. You’re ready to experience positive energy emanating from all of who you are, influencing every aspect of your life: your relationships with people and money, your career, and your spiritual practice. You are a different person than when you started this journey and so too will everything else change for the better.  

  • Invest In Full ($): $1,500 

  • $750 discount if this is your fourth 90-day program and you sign up before or during session 12 of your third 90-day program. ($750 total) 

  • Payment Plan: ($1700) $800 deposit with two payments of $450 


  • Create a compelling vision for your spiritual life and how you want to integrate all you’ve learned; 

  • Understand what is currently getting in the way of living the holistic life you want;

  • Develop new strategies to integrate everything you’re learned; 

  • Integrate mindfulness into every aspect of your life, leaving no area untouched. 

  • You are a new person. Your life is a new place to be and you absolutely love the life you’re living now and who you’ve become in the process. You are dreaming of adventures you never thought possible until now.


  1. One, 90-minute “Soul Integration” Session. In this foundational session, you’ll get clear on your vision for living a fully integrated life, leaving no aspect of your life untouched by your love and attention. 

  2. One, 90-minute “Spiritual Practice” Session. In this powerful and practical 90-minute block of time, you will take time to explore your spiritual life, what it means to you, and where you’d like to take your spiritual practice. 

  3. Ten, 50-minute Personalized Support Sessions. During each of these weekly sessions, we will celebrate your success, work together to break through any obstacles you may be experiencing, and you’ll leave with clarity on your next steps. 

  4. Three, 25-minute “Help me work through Whatever I Need Help With!” Calls when you might need a bit of help between regular sessions [if needed].

  5. Email and/or text access to me for quick celebrations or questions about life’s unexpected demands that may arise between our coaching sessions.