New Moon in Aries

The new moon in Aries on March 21 is a powerful celestial event that occurs just one day after the sun moves into Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological new year. 

As we enter Aries season, we are encouraged to embrace fresh starts, take daring steps, and ignite our inner passion. This energy is potent, and when harnessed, it can propel us towards our aspirations and empower us to bring them to life. The new moon in Aries offers a perfect opportunity to set intentions for the upcoming weeks and months through a transformative and potent ritual.

New Moon in Aries Ritual

Tap into this fiery energy by clearing your space with a smudging ritual to create a clean and welcoming environment. Burning herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar to clear negative energy and promote positive vibes.

Then, take some time to meditate and connect with your inner self. Meditation helps calm the mind and cultivate inner peace. Call upon the energy of the new moon to help you manifest your intentions. Envision the sliver of the new moon growing brighter and brighter, casting a bright white light on the earth below. Allow this light to infuse you with its energy, filling you with a sense of hope, inspiration, and purpose. Visualize yourself achieving your goals and feeling the joy and satisfaction that comes with success. 

Repeat the following affirmation to yourself: "I welcome new beginnings and growth into my life. I am supported by the energy of the new moon and the elements. My intentions are powerful and will manifest with ease and grace." 

Once you feel centered, set your intentions for the weeks and months ahead by writing down your goals, dreams, and desires on a piece of paper. Be specific and focus on goals related to new beginnings, passion, and action. Place the paper in sacred space, such as a special altar, a small box, or wrap it in a piece of cloth.

Move into a yoga practice or another form of intentional movement to help ground your energy and release any tension or stress that may have accumulated during the day. Then close out your New Moon in Aries ritual by repeating the following:

"As the flame of my intention ignites,
So does my will to bring it to life.
I release what no longer serves,
And embrace the new beginnings that emerge.
With the energy of Aries at my side,
I move forward with courage and pride.
So mote it be."


Wind Moon


Full Moon in Virgo