Full Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo is a potent time to harness the energy of the moon and focus on manifesting your desires. Virgo is known for its analytical and detail-oriented nature, making it an ideal time to reflect on your goals and set intentions to bring them to fruition. By creating a full moon ritual, you can amplify the power of this full moon and create a meaningful practice for yourself.

To begin, surround yourself with the energy of Virgo by burning sage or rosemary, herbs that correspond with this earth sign. Then, find a quiet and private space where you can sit in the light of the moon. It's important that this space is otherwise dark, allowing the moon's light to be the primary source of illumination. You may choose to light candles or incense to create an atmosphere of tranquility and magic.

Start your ritual by meditating in the moonlight. As you close your eyes and focus on your breath, allow yourself to be fully present in the moment. Visualize the moon's energy surrounding you, filling you up with its light and power. Take deep, intentional breaths, inhaling positivity and exhaling negativity.

After your meditation, move into a gentle yoga practice by candlelight. Allow the poses to be slow and deliberate, focusing on each movement and breath. As you flow through the poses, imagine yourself moving closer to your goals and desires. With each stretch and pose, feel yourself becoming stronger and more confident.

Next, take a pen and paper and write down your intentions for the weeks and months ahead. Be specific and detailed, visualizing yourself achieving each goal with ease and grace. Once you've written your intentions down, fold each slip of paper and place them on a windowsill overnight. This allows them to be charged by the energy of the full moon.

Finally, take a few moments to charge your crystals and water in the moonlight. Place them in the windowsill or outside in a safe and secure spot, allowing them to soak up the energy of the moon. When you retrieve them in the morning, they will be infused with the powerful energy of the full moon.

Make a cup of tea using chamomile, lemon balm, or mint, which are also associated with Virgo, to help calm and ground you. Then spend some time journaling about your self-care routine. With Virgo's emphasis on health and well-being, consider prompts such as "What are three small ways I can prioritize my physical and mental health in the coming weeks?" or "What practices or habits would support my overall well-being?".

As you conclude your ritual, take a deep breath and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Remember that your intentions have been set in motion and trust that the universe will bring them to fruition in its own time. By harnessing the energy of the full moon in Virgo, you have created a powerful ritual that can help you manifest your desires and achieve your goals.


New Moon in Aries


Celebrating the Vernal Equinox