Another Lap Around the Sun, A Year of Growth & Change

Home from Africa - May 2024

As I reflect on the past year of my life, it's hard to believe how much has transpired in just 365 days. It's been a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and triumphs—a true testament to the rollercoaster that is life. Join me as I take you through the highs and lows, the twists and turns, of my journey around the sun.

The year began with a new chapter unfolding in my professional life. I embarked on a journey of learning and growth in a new job, eager to challenge myself and expand my expertise in the wellbeing sphere. And, as part of my coaching practice, I launched the Simplicity Living Circle of Northern Virginia, a community-based group dedicated to helping others live simpler, more intentional lives. Little did I know, this career shift would be just the beginning of a series of transformative experiences.

But as the saying goes, with every door that opens, another one closes. Amidst the excitement of my professional endeavors, I found myself grappling with the end of a significant relationship. The pain of loss weighed heavy on my heart, but I knew that healing would come with time. I had no idea what this would look like or if I would even be able to get through. For a time I felt as though I could not breathe, that I would not survive the loss. The pain felt insurmountable, but my closest friends and family, my sponsors and my therapist held and comforted me as I endured day after day the pain of a broken heart and all the uncertainty that comes along with that.

My cozy abode! - May 2024

In the midst of this emotional turbulence, I made a bold decision—to embark on a new adventure in homeownership. I purchased a condo in North Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, embracing the opportunity for a fresh start in a new place. This too was a notable transition as I left the companionship of my best friend Tony and the place I had called home for the past four years.

Yet, true healing isn't found in material possessions or geographic locations. It's found within ourselves, in the depths of our souls. And so, I turned inward, recommitting myself to my spiritual practices and my journey of recovery in AA. It was a path paved with challenges, but with each step, I felt myself growing stronger and more resilient. On April 24, I celebrated 18 years of sobriety in what felt like one of the best and most challenging years since I first got sober.

Giraffe, Nairobi National Park - April 2024

But my journey didn't stop there. Fueled by a newfound sense of purpose, I pursued certification as a Search Inside Yourself Teacher, eager to share the tools of mindfulness and emotional intelligence with others. It was a profound journey of self-discovery, as I delved deeper into the practices that nourished my soul.

Inspiration behind Diagon Alley - September 2023

And then came the adventures beyond borders. Two business trips to Africa—first to Ethiopia, then to Kenya—opened my eyes to new cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. It was a humbling experience, reminding me of the interconnectedness of humanity and the beauty of diversity. I also spent a week in September diving into all things Harry Potter in London, including taking in a Harry Potter tour and filming sites as well as discovering areas that inspired Diagon and Knockturn Alleys, which were totally amazing and absolutely my favorite parts of London! I also met some very cool people there too.

As I look ahead to the dawn of lap 52, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what's to come. As I celebrate my acceptance to grad school this fall at Maryland University of Integrative Health, a vacation with a girlfriend to Denmark in mid-May promises new adventures and cherished memories. Memorial weekend with friends at the Dark Star Jubilee in Ohio—a celebration of Grateful Dead music, community, and love—beckons with its promise of joy and connection. And finally, a month working and vacationing with friends in England and Scotland in July and August—a journey that embodies the spirit of exploration and discovery. It's a chance to immerse myself in new experiences, forge deeper connections, and continue writing the story of my life.

Dani, London - September 2023

On May 11, as I bid farewell to the past year and embrace the dawn of a new one, I do so with gratitude in my heart—for the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the moments of pure, unadulterated joy. Here's to another lap around the sun—a year of growth, change, and endless possibilities.


The Other Side of Heartbreak at Litha


May Moon Magick