Simplicity Living Circle of Northern Virginia: Growing With Intention

Co-founder Nikki Zalesak plays the heart chakra bowl to aid in creating more unconditional love, releasing unforgiveness, and enjoying more acceptance in life following a focused attention meditation led by co-founder Dani Keating.

In a world saturated with constant information and distractions, finding ways to simplify our lives has become increasingly important. Last night, a group of eleven individuals gathered at the Simplicity Living Study Circle of Northern Virginia to explore the path of living simply amidst the chaos. The evening was filled with insightful discussions, shared aspirations, and a collective commitment to cultivating mental focus, reducing overthinking, and embracing a minimalist lifestyle. Let's delve into the highlights of the event and the key takeaways that emerged.

Creating a Focused Mind:

One common thread that wove throughout the conversations was the desire to enhance mental focus and overcome the burden of overthinking. Attendees shared personal experiences, challenges, and strategies to declutter their minds and achieve a sense of clarity. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation and intentional breathing exercises were discussed as effective tools for attaining mental peace and presence in the present moment.

Mindful Consumption and Physical Health:

Recognizing the impact of our choices on both personal well-being and the environment, participants emphasized the importance of making conscious decisions in their diets. Cutting out excessive sugar and alcohol was a key topic of discussion, as it not only benefits physical health but also supports mental clarity. 

Reducing Plastic Waste:

Another aspect of living simply that resonated with everyone was minimizing the use of single-use plastic. The participants exchanged ideas on how to transition to reusable alternatives, such as using glass containers instead of plastic. 

Financial Simplification:

Finding financial freedom and simplifying monetary matters were important topics of the circle. Attendees discussed personal strategies for decluttering their finances, including budgeting, saving, and investing wisely. They shared personal anecdotes, recommended books, and brainstormed ideas to reduce unnecessary expenses, downsize possessions, and prioritize experiences over material possessions.

Reconnecting with Nature:

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, some participants expressed a longing to spend more time outdoors and reconnect with nature. They recognized the therapeutic benefits of immersing oneself in natural surroundings and shared ideas for incorporating outdoor activities into their routines. 

Future Direction of the Group:

The Simplicity Living Study Circle aims to redefine itself continuously to meet the evolving needs of the group. Several ideas were put forth to enhance the circle's activities and engagement. Focused meditation sessions centered around simplicity living were suggested as a way to deepen individual practices and foster a sense of collective growth. Reading books with shared themes to facilitate meaningful discussions was another idea that gained traction. Additionally, the group expressed interest in increasing the frequency of meetings, potentially transitioning from monthly gatherings to bi-monthly and potentially weekly sessions.

The co-founders of the group, Massage Therapist and Reiki Master Nikki Zalesak, and Simplicity Living Coach Dani Keating, discussed having a more structured approach to the meetings now that a quorum has formed. The vision for the group is to create an autonomous, leader-full community that fosters an atmosphere of shared learning, support, and inspiration. Going forward, meetings will focus on one or two topics based on the interests of the group. 

Next month we discuss:

  • How to structure the meetings

  • Shifting to bi-monthly meetings

  • Micropractices to increase attentional focus and minimize distraction

The ongoing evolution of the circle promises exciting opportunities for personal growth and the collective pursuit of a more intentional and fulfilling life. As we continue our journeys towards simplicity, our positive impact will undoubtedly ripple outwards, influencing others to follow suit.

Recommended reading mentioned during the meeting:


Harnessing the Power of the Blessing Moon: A Celestial Guide


Embracing Mindfulness During Litha: Summer Solstice