January’s Simplicity Living Study Circle: Embracing Serenity and Connection

The Simplicity Living Study Circle of Northern Virginia gathered once again on the evening of Friday, January 26, for an enriching and heartwarming event. This time, the cozy comfort of a home in South Arlington replaced our usual outdoor setting.  

Thirteen individuals, including eight new attendees, came together to explore the art of simplifying life in our fast-paced world. The group's essence lies in community, camaraderie, and the shared pursuit of a more mindful and intentional lifestyle. Our primary objective is to exchange ideas and engage in discussions on simplifying various aspects of our lives, each unique to our individual journeys.

As a customary feature of our gatherings, we invited a guest to share an aspect of wellness with the group. This month, Roanne Calizo, a certified facilitator for 9D breathwork, led us through a 9D Breathwork experience.  

9D Breathwork opens a pathway directly into the subconscious mind, responsible for 95 percent of all human behavior and skillfully transmuting internal blocks into sources of immense personal power, all the while working with the body's innate intelligence to release trapped energy from the nervous system, creating a clean slate. The expansive soundscape of 9D has a powerful effect on imagination, making things seem more real than they actually are, providing a truly unique and transformative experience; it feels like watching a movie and sounds are coming from all over your body. Roanne's session was a truly unique, reinvigorating experience. 

The presence of eight new faces added an exciting dynamic to the evening. It was heartening to see the Simplicity Living Study Circle expanding its reach and welcoming fresh perspectives into our fold. The diversity of experiences and backgrounds among attendees contributed to a rich tapestry of ideas and insights shared throughout the night.

The Study Circle continues to evolve as a haven for those seeking a deeper connection with themselves and others. Our commitment to exploring simplicity extends beyond our meetings and into the fabric of our daily lives, as we strive to embody the principles of mindfulness, gratitude, and intentional living.

If you missed the 9D breathwork experience or are interested in experiencing more, Roanne is leading a session on Thursday, 1 February from 6:45 - 8:15 pm at Mind Your Body Oasis in Arlington. Register through MeetUp or contact Roanne directly at 240-353-3277. Group size is limited to 12, so sign up sooner than later. 

Our next meeting will be Friday, 16 February. We will likely be indoors through April, however, if warmer weather is forecasted, we may meet at our preferred outdoor venue, Lacey Woods Park in Arlington. More will be revealed …

With simplicity and warmth,

The Simplicity Living Circle of Northern Virginia

I would like to acknowledge the assistance of ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, to enhance the overall quality of this blog. 


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