Purge What No Longer Serves - Harvest Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

On the night of Tuesday, September 17th, at 10:34 PM ET, we are graced not only with the mystical Harvest Moon in Pisces but also a powerful lunar eclipse. This rare celestial event amplifies the energy of the full moon, making it a potent time for deep emotional release and transformation. The lunar eclipse, often seen as a cosmic reset, magnifies the effects of the Harvest Moon, urging us to let go of what no longer serves our highest good and to embrace the changes that are necessary for our growth.

Astrologically, the Harvest Moon in Pisces, combined with the lunar eclipse, creates a unique opportunity for spiritual and emotional cleansing. Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, heightens our intuition and connection to the subconscious. The eclipse adds a layer of intensity, pushing us to confront our shadows and release the burdens we've been carrying, allowing us to step into a new chapter with clarity and purpose.

Journaling for the Heart Chakra: Unburdening Your Heart

The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the center of love, compassion, and forgiveness. The lunar eclipse in Pisces intensifies our emotional experiences, making it an ideal time for deep heart-centered journaling. The energy of the eclipse can bring hidden emotions to the surface, providing a unique opportunity to confront and release them.

Journaling Prompts:

  • What deep-seated emotions or past wounds have resurfaced during this lunar eclipse?

  • How can I use this powerful energy to release any lingering pain or resentment in my heart?

  • In what ways can I open my heart to new possibilities of love and compassion?

  • What fears or limiting beliefs are being illuminated by this eclipse, and how can I release them?


  • Gemstones: Rose Quartz for unconditional love, Black Obsidian for protection and grounding during intense emotional work, and Amethyst for spiritual insight.

  • Incense: Burn Rose or Myrrh incense to create a sacred space that supports deep emotional and spiritual release.

  • Tea: Brew a cup of Chamomile or Rosehip tea to soothe the heart and calm the mind, allowing for a gentle release of emotions.

As you journal, visualize the combined energies of the Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse illuminating your heart chakra, cleansing it of any blockages, and filling it with healing light. Allow the power of the eclipse to guide you in releasing what no longer serves your heart.

Full Moon and Eclipse Meditation: Clearing and Releasing

Meditation under the Pisces Harvest Moon, enhanced by the lunar eclipse, is a transformative practice for clearing and releasing old energy. The eclipse's energy acts as a catalyst for profound change, urging us to let go of the past and embrace the unknown with trust and faith. You may draw on my Full Moon guided meditation to harness this powerful energy for deep spiritual work. Or you may use the following simple practice. 

Meditation Practice:

  • Create a sacred space where you can meditate without interruptions. Light a black or purple candle to symbolize protection and spiritual transformation.

  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment.

  • Visualize the Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse above you, their combined light forming a protective and purifying shield around you. Imagine this light flowing through your body, washing away any negativity, fear, or attachments that no longer serve your soul’s journey.

  • Focus on your breath, and with each exhale, consciously release anything that is being brought to the surface by the eclipse—whether it’s an old wound, a limiting belief, or a spiritual blockage.

  • When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, feeling lighter, clearer, and more aligned with your highest self.


  • Gemstones: Use Moonstone to enhance intuition and emotional balance, Labradorite for spiritual protection, and Clear Quartz for clarity during this transformative time.

  • Incense: Burn Frankincense or Palo Santo to deepen your spiritual connection and cleanse your energy field during the meditation.

  • Tea: Drink a cup of Mugwort or Jasmine tea before your meditation to heighten your intuition and spiritual connection during the eclipse.

Mindfulness in Releasing: A Holistic Approach

The Pisces Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse create a powerful combination for holistic release. This is a time to clear out not only physical clutter but also mental, emotional, and spiritual baggage. The eclipse energy helps us confront and release these attachments, allowing us to move forward with greater clarity and purpose.

Mindfulness Practice:

  • Physically: Focus on decluttering a space that feels stagnant or heavy. As you mindfully remove items, bless them and express gratitude for their purpose. Consider using Citrine to bring in positive energy and prosperity as you clear your space.

  • Mentally: Write down limiting beliefs or thought patterns that you’re ready to let go of. Under the light of the Harvest Moon and eclipse, safely burn these papers, visualizing the smoke carrying away your mental burdens. Use Selenite to cleanse and clear your mental space.

  • Emotionally: The eclipse can bring old emotions to the surface, urging you to release them. Practice self-compassion by allowing yourself to feel and release these emotions without judgment. Visualize these emotions being carried away by the gentle flow of water, a symbol of Pisces. Use Rose Quartz or Rhodonite to support emotional healing.

  • Spiritually: Reflect on your spiritual practices and beliefs. Are there rituals or habits that no longer resonate with your spiritual path? Use this time to simplify and realign your spiritual practice. Consider using Amethyst to enhance your spiritual insight and connection.


  • Gemstones: Citrine for clearing and prosperity, Selenite for cleansing, and Rhodonite for emotional release.

  • Incense: Sage or Palo Santo to purify your space and energy during this potent eclipse.

  • Tea: Peppermint or Dandelion root tea to cleanse and detoxify your body, supporting the release process.

Looking Forward to Mabon: Inviting in the New

As you release under the combined energies of the Harvest Moon and lunar eclipse, you create space for new energies to enter your life with the upcoming Mabon, the autumn equinox. Mabon is a time of balance, gratitude, and harvesting the fruits of your labor. With your heart, mind, and spirit cleansed and aligned, consider what you wish to invite into your life as the seasons change.

This is a time to plant the seeds of new intentions, relationships, and spiritual practices that will carry you through the introspective months of autumn and winter.

By embracing simplicity and letting go of what no longer serves us, we align ourselves with the natural cycles of the earth and prepare for the new beginnings that Mabon will bring. Through journaling, meditation, and mindful releasing—supported by the right tools and practices—we can connect more deeply with our true selves and create space for the blessings that await us. As we move forward, may we do so with clarity, purpose, and an open heart, ready to embrace the new possibilities that this magical and transformative time offers.


I acknowledge the assistance of ChatGPT to provide insights and help enhance the writing of this blog.


Celebrating Mabon: Honoring the Autumn Equinox


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