Full Moon in Aquarius: A Time for Reflection, Connection, and Release

As we welcome the Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday, 19 August at 2:26 pm, we are invited to pause, reflect, and realign our energies. Known as the Corn Moon, this time of year historically signifies a season of gathering — both literally, as communities would harvest their crops, and metaphorically, as we come together to celebrate the gifts of Mother Earth. This Full Moon is not just about reaping what we’ve sown but also about sharing and connecting with those around us in meaningful ways.

The void-of-course period, beginning at 2:26 pm, offers a moment of stillness before the Moon enters Pisces at 6:52 pm, bringing with it a wave of emotional depth and spiritual insight. This transition from Aquarius, a sign of innovation, community, and detachment, to Pisces, the sign of dreams, intuition, and emotional flow, encourages us to engage in mindfulness practices that balance both head and heart.

Here are three mindfulness practices to consider during this Full Moon:

Spend Quality Time with Those Who Matter Most

Aquarius is the sign of the collective, of community, and of building meaningful connections. Under this Full Moon, take the time to nourish the relationships that matter most to you. This could mean gathering with friends or family in a circle of gratitude, reflecting on the ways you have supported each other throughout the year. Let this gathering be a celebration of shared experiences, of laughter and love, of unity and compassion. These connections ground us, remind us of who we are, and fill our hearts with warmth.

With the Moon about to enter Pisces, allow the emotional depth of this sign to guide your conversations. Share your dreams, hopes, and visions for the future. Listen deeply. Be present. These moments of connection have the power to heal and rejuvenate our spirits.

Identify and Release Energy Vampires

As we enter the waning phase of Full Moon, it’s the perfect time to assess the energetic dynamics in your life. The waning Moon encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us, preparing us for the darker, quieter months ahead.

Take stock of the people, situations, or even habits that drain your energy. These “energy vampires” may be individuals who demand too much of your time and attention without giving anything in return. Or they might be thought patterns that weigh you down emotionally and mentally. The key here is to protect your energy. Identify where it’s being leaked, and make a conscious decision to distance yourself from these draining forces.

Releasing energy vampires doesn’t always mean cutting people off completely. It can be as simple as setting clearer boundaries or redirecting your energy toward things and people that uplift you. Use the clarity of this Full Moon to begin this process of release. As the Moon wanes, let your focus be on protecting your energy and channeling it where it matters most.

Declutter Your Life in Three Key Areas

The energy of Aquarius encourages us to innovate, to streamline, and to create space for the new. During this Full Moon, take a moment to identify three areas in your life that need decluttering. This could be a physical space in your home that feels chaotic or disorganized. Perhaps your email inbox is overflowing, and you need to clear out old messages. Or maybe your mind is cluttered with obsessive thoughts that no longer serve your highest good.

Decluttering is not just about removing physical objects — it’s about creating mental, emotional, and energetic space. As we move into the waning year, this practice can help us release the old to make room for the new. Start small and be intentional. The act of decluttering can be deeply healing and empowering.

Looking Ahead: What Will You Let Go Of?

As the Moon begins to wane after this Full Moon, consider what you would like to release in the remaining months of the year. If you’re feeling unclear, don’t worry. Sometimes clarity comes in waves, and it’s okay to sit in the discomfort of uncertainty for a while. You may need to journal, meditate, or simply allow your intuition to guide you. Trust that the answers will come in due time.

And if clarity continues to evade you, consider connecting with me for a consultation. Together, we can explore what’s cluttering your energy and develop a plan to help you release what no longer serves you. This is a powerful time of year to realign with your true self, and I’m here to support you on that journey.

Let this Full Moon in Aquarius be a moment of reflection, a time to honor what has been harvested in your life and to prepare for the release and renewal that awaits as we move deeper into the waning year.

I acknowledge the assistance of ChatGPT to provide insights and help enhance the writing of this blog.


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