Flower Moon of May

The Flower Moon on Friday, May 5th is a special event that combines a lunar eclipse with the Beltane cross-quarter day, when the sun reaches 15 degrees in Taurus. This celestial phenomenon is also known as the day of Venus, which adds to the loving energy that we can expect on this day. The Flower Moon is called such because it signals the blossoming of flowers and the relief of the disappearing cold. This is a day of joy, with fragrances and colors appearing everywhere. It is a time to celebrate and embrace happiness.

Happiness is an essential part of our lives, and it can be found in simple things. Taking the time to acknowledge what brings us joy is an essential part of living a fulfilling life. 

Journal prompts to help you explore happiness

  • What brings you happiness? Take some time to reflect on the things that make you happy. It could be spending time with loved ones, taking a walk in nature, or enjoying your favorite hobby. Make a list and prioritize these things in your life.

  • What gets in the way of you having or deferring happiness? Identify the things that prevent you from experiencing happiness. It could be fear, stress, or a lack of self-care. Recognizing these barriers can help you find ways to overcome them.

  • Think about a time that brought you great happiness. Reflect on a moment in your life when you felt truly happy. What were you doing? Who were you with? What made that moment special? How can you manifest that feeling today?

Celebrations & Gratitude

  • Celebrate small victories every day. It is essential to acknowledge the small things we accomplish every day. Whether it's completing a task or reaching a goal, take the time to celebrate these moments. Write down your accomplishments in a journal or share them with someone you love.

  • Spend at least five minutes being grateful for who you are. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, and be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself with loving-kindness, and be as tender with yourself as you would with anyone else you love.

On this Flower Moon, take some time to celebrate happiness. Put on some music that you love, light a candle, and take pleasure in your accomplishments. Remember to be kind to yourself and appreciate the little things in life. 

Happy Flower Moon!


Harnessing the Energies of Renewal: Embracing the First New Moon after Beltane


Health Care Practices for Beltane