February’s Gathering at Lacey Woods Park

Dear Simplicity Seekers,

In the tranquil embrace of nature at Lacey Woods Park, our Simplicity Living Circle of Northern Virginia convened once again for an evening of reflection, connection, and growth. Despite the chilly air, our hearts were warmed by the presence of our community, as well as the addition of two new members who brought fresh perspectives to our circle of simplicity seekers.

As always, our gathering was centered around the shared goal of simplifying our lives, each in our own unique way. Our discussions are not just about shedding physical clutter but also about decluttering our minds and hearts, making space for what truly matters.

During last night's meeting, we were fortunate to have Rama, Simplicity Living Circle member and guide of dope-meditations on youtube,  lead us in a grounding meditation that fostered a deep connection to the surrounding woods. For five precious minutes, we closed our eyes and allowed ourselves to be anchored by the earth beneath us, finding solace and strength in the steadfast presence of the trees.

Following the meditation, Dani treated us to an enlightening excerpt from "A Delightful Way to Cultivate Motivation" by Madeleine Dore. The passage sparked thought-provoking conversations about the power of daily rituals in cultivating mindfulness and setting the tone for our days with intentionality.

Dani (left) and Nikki (right), Co-founders of the Simplicity Living Study Circle of Northern Virginia.

However, amidst our exploration of simplicity and mindfulness, there was a bittersweet announcement from Dani. Our beloved co-facilitator, Nikki, has gracefully stepped down from her role due to new opportunities that demand her attention. While we will miss Nikki's invaluable contributions, we wholeheartedly support her in her new endeavors and express our deepest gratitude for her dedication and passion in nurturing our community.

In light of Nikki's departure, Dani sought the group's input on how to move forward, and we collectively brainstormed ideas for the evolution of our circle. Several members generously volunteered to take on leadership roles, proposing a rotating facilitator model to ensure a co-created and inclusive experience for all members. We also are seeking a new host for the MeetUp account

Under this proposed model, each month a different member will step into the role of facilitator, with the opportunity to solicit assistance from fellow members in crafting the meeting agenda and guiding discussions. Additionally, Dani has curated a "Welcome" reading to set the tone for each gathering, along with 2024 seasonal themes to provide structure and inspiration.

As we look ahead to our next meeting at Lacey Woods Park, we do so with a sense of excitement and possibility. Together, we will continue to explore the depths of simplicity, supporting one another on our individual paths towards a more intentional and fulfilling way of life.

Until then, may we carry the spirit of simplicity in our hearts and find joy in the beauty of each moment.

With gratitude and anticipation,


Co-Founder, Simplicity Living Circle of Northern Virginia

March Meeting Details:

Friday, 29 March 2024
7 - 8 p.m.
Lacey Woods Park, Arlington, Virginia
Leader: Dani
Theme: New Beginnings


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